Saturday, November 18, 2006

You know what time it is??

It's time to get our annual Christmas card photo done.

This year it's even more important. I am trying the Christmas letter thing. Mainly beause I keep forgetting to buy cards.

So today, we went to the mall in an attempt to get santa photos. The wait was three hours. Thankfully, my husband knows I so don't do wait - not in a line with three children sugared up from the free cocoa and juice the mall provided while we were waiting for santa to come.

so we're off tomorrow to attempt it again. This time at the park. where there are leaves and trees and things to bribe the children with.

Wish us luck

Friday, November 10, 2006

Same Song Different Day

I'm in a rut. A deep deep deep rut. I do the same thing - day in day out.

Something exciting needs to happen.

I need to cook and clean and do the laundry.

I want to take avacation to someplece sunny, some place exciting, some place like where there is lotsof wine and people to watch. There also must be coffee. Good dark coffee.

Oh well.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Love Is......

Love is your three year old making you a hand made mud pie meatball .

The 8th of November

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy Day After the Day After Halloween

We made it through the Halloween - the holiday I affectionately call bring mom chocolate day! For the first time in four years, Halloween was cold, well cold by Texas standards any way. By the time the boys and dad swooshed out the door, the temprature was well into the 50's.

Charles was a pirate. we asked him if he wanted to trick or treat this year, thinking that, at 11, he might be too cool to beg for candy. Obviously we were wrong. He rolled his eyes and said "Of course he was trick or treating!" There was no way Medium John Silver was going to miss the pirate booty gathering day of the year.

Tommy was going to be a sun. we changed our minds (read I changed my mind) after seeing the weekend forecast calling for a cold front blowing through. He was a hobo after much discussion. He was all for the idea once he realized he got to carry a big stick - BOYS!

Joey was a scarecrow. He had a meltdown mid evening. Too much excitemnet and mom not handing over enough candy to make his three year old self happy. The highlight of his evening, or rather,MOMMY's evening though was Mommy teaching him to that KitKat bars were "Mommy chocolate"

This year, with our hectic schedule, we ended up carving pumpkins as a spectator sport. Joey and I carved pumpkins while the boys were at school. We did a goofy face for Joey, a vampie face for Tommy and a pi for Charles. Eric and I saw the pi carved pumpkin in a magazine and got a chuckle out of it. So did Charles. It was a hit.