Saturday, June 30, 2007

Yes Virginia, There IS Sun in Texas

sunny faces
Originally uploaded by blondie478.
Finally, after days and days of "maybe we need to consider an ark" rains, we had day of sun. We woke up to blue skies and a bright golden, glowing orb on the sky.

The kids spent most of the afternoon out of doors. enjoying the beauty that we hadn't had in a long long time.

Monday, June 25, 2007

MY Oldest Son - the trouble has only JUST begun.

My oldest child thinks he's suave. He thinks he's cool. He thinks he's sexy in the way that only 12 year old boyc can be sexy. To be honest, I didn't think 12 year olds could BE sexy. But he assures me he is indeed sexy.

We're all for self esteem and having a good sense of body image.

Apparently girls his age find him sexy as well.

We went to our neighborhood's pool night last Saturday for a Neighborhood Night at the Movies. Charles saw some of his buddies at schools and sat by them. He was happy. I was happy. Two girls saw him and got all excited. I overheard one of the girls scanning the scene and telling her her Friend that Charles was there - he's so cute let's go sit by him.

He was happy.

His friends were happy

The wonton hussy girls were happy.

I was so not happy.

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Question of the day

When will I ever learn to say NO! instead of "I'll do it?


Ehy does Hermione Granger look like manly girl in the HP movie thingy <-------------?

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Love is letting your kids wallow in mud like pigs

Originally uploaded by blondie478.
Over the past week, I have received numerous comments on these pictures.

People congratulating me on being a good enough mother to let my kids play in the mud.

If allowing my kids to play in the mud, thus leaving me alone for ten minutes or fight with each other for ten minutes makes me a good mother, well I'll take that.

But I have been thinking, why is this so shocking? Why is letting kids wallow in mud like pigs so shocking these days.

I don't have the answer but my boys love dirt and bugs and worms. The love squirmy critters and playing pirates on the lawn furniture or pool toys.

I "allow" this type of behavior because they give me a few minutes peace to post on my blog or clean the bathroom or mop the floor or whatever else it is good mothers do.

Play like this also allows them to build their imaginations and think forthemselves, something video games and talking toys don't.

Also, they are kids, children. They are not accountants or whatever in training, they are not adults in Children's Place clothing. They should be out getting dirty, making mud pies, building forts out of tents and catching bugs.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Lazy Days of Summer

seem to have slipped us by. june 1 was just last Friday and here we are. We are as busy as we were when school was in session.

We spent the weekend at Rusk State Park with Charles' Boy Scout Troop. After a wrong turn or 20, we got to the park early early June 2. We set up camp, got a few hours sleep and then headed for the train depot where we rode this:


We got back Sunday - through a torrential downpour. It rained here all weekend but we were blessed by a rain free weekend in east Texas.

Monday, Tommy started Summer School to help him grasp a few areas where he struggled last year. He's enjoying it.

Charles is also working on Algebra at home. He'll be taking a credit by exam test in August so he can hopefully skip re Algebra and Algebra this next school year. Together we are diving into polynomials, quadratic equations and x=y=z. I am amazed at how well he's doing. I am amazed how quickly it is coming back to me.

Joey is being Joey. He's enjoying having playmates.

Saturday, eric and I fly to San Francisco. eight days of child free activities.

We've been swimming

and sun bathing

Friday, June 01, 2007

Today's Post brought to you by the Letter S

Soak starts with S.

Snack starts with S

so does so, sweat, sck and sweep.

But today, dear readers, the letter of the day stands for SUN and SUCKS.

Today, I depart on a two day campout with my son's Scout troop - also S words.

We are going to Rusk State Park to ride the Texas some thing train. The only steam engine train in operation in Texas - the kids call it the hogwarts express.

But the reason today's word is SUCK because I was awakened this morning my my monthly visit from my red headed aunt. THIS SUCKS.

SUCKS ROCKS and lemonade it does.

I want to lay down on the hot pavement and remove my uterus with a spoon (another s word)

I want to drink medicinal margaritas and eat choclate.


I get to sleep in a tent. On the ground.

I get to carry tampax in my pretty new day pack.

The troop has a no snack rule. That means no chocolate

That sucks.

And the weather man calls for rain not SUN this weekend.

I get to camp in the rain in the wet and bleed like a stuck pig.