Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Line in The sand - Jedi Style

Line in the Sand

I've written before of Joey's love of all things Star Wars. It is a love he gets from his father. Joey would like nothing more than to be a Jedi Warrior. For his birthday, we bought him a light saber. It has been a part of his anatomy since.

This year at our house, Charles has been taking texas History. They finished the Alamo and the Independence of Texas just after Christmas. Charles has led Tommy and Joey in the fight for the Alamo and Colonel William B Travis' speech on the braveness yet daunting task that lay ahead for the 190 men who defended the Alamo. They have reenacted the line in the sand many times. Being good texas boys (for the record Tommy was born EAST of the rio Grand and if we stand by the sovreignty of our origional borders - he was born in Texas by 8 miles) .

Last weekend, Joey was playing with his light saber in the back yard and he began his version of the Travis speech and line in the sand.

His take is that if JEDITEXANS had fought the battle a few would have been saved and there would have been no reason for San jacinto. Light sabers are more powerful than steel swords, cannons and bullets. and the tiger tale for balance would have let the Mexican army know that the JediTexans meant business.

Oh to have the imagination of a five year old.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

really, I Mean REALLY???

For the love of all that is holy - Yesterday it was 35° here in the morning. Today it was 46° when the minions left for school.

DUDE! It's SPRING. I mowed the grass. MOWED it down and you send near freezing temps???


Yeah, I know remember this back in August when we get up at 7AM and it's already 95°F. I'll be sayin g I wish it was April and 35° again.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Oh what a Happy Day

Hobby Lobby opened just down the street from me yesterday.

I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I LOVE Hobby Lobby.

My friends and I went and sat out in front of the store at 8 Am yesterday JUST so we could be first in the store.. Losers, we know but you have no idea how exciting it is not to have to sit in traffic for an hour to go ten miles for a craft supply fix.

When it was first announced that there would be a Hobby Lobby in the strip mall at the end of the block I was in oblivion. When they started building the center - Eric wanted the gym to open first, I wanted the Hobby Lobby to open first. I won :-)

Now I can craft to my heart's desire. And who doesn't love scrapbook paper 5 for $1. Now all I need is a local scrapbook shop to go in next to Starbucks and life here in the Little E will be complete.

Oh and the "but it supports our tax base and it's in our school tax base" discussions will be coming soon to a house near me.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

We all wanna be Big Rock Stars

or at least Patrol Leader of the Hawks.

But alas - that was not the case.

In a moment that I think shows the man my oldest is in the makings to be. He ran a fair race (remember what those are like? - no? me neither) He didn't bash the competition. He went and stated what he wanted to do and how he planned on doing it. Simple words - good ideas and a plan.

When all was said and done and the ballots were counted - he didn't ask for a recount or a hanging chad inspection. He went and congratulated the boy who won.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Five Years Ago Today

Five years ago, today, Joey was born. He was the answer to a prayer. He was wanted and, after two miscarriages needed. He filled a void in my heart.

His entrance into the world was dramatic and scary. He had a knot in his cord that was pulled tight. I had an issue with my blood pressure that caused his 37 week arrival. But, after all was said and done – he was in my arms, big, beautiful and healthy.

8 Days Old - April 2003

Now, my baby boy is five. I look at him running alongside his brothers or learning to write his name and I wonder how time could have passed so quickly? Soon enough – way too soon – those little hands that always reach for mine when we go anywhere will be waving goodbye and headed off into adulthood.

Feeling Silly on His Birthday

He is so much like me, it’s not funny. He is obstinate. He is determined. He’s happiest when he’s creating something, either on paper or beside me in the kitchen.

So to my sweet blonde haired blue-eyed mini me – Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We've added on

to our blogworld -- Now we're in the kitchen drawing knives and taking names

Grab a spoon and an apron - oir not and join us

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

March went out with a ROAR

BlueBonnet patch

The last day of March saw Joey, Tommy, the dog and cat and I huddled in the laundry room as tornado sirens wailed. The wind howled

The storm started just after Tommy got home from school. The rain dropped in buckets. Then came the hail and wind. we lost two screens, one on either side of the door. The two outer windows remained in tact.

When the sirens stopped so did the rain. In a matter of minutes, the sun was out, the skies were blue and the window blowing again. Birds were singing and the humidity was way down.

Gotta love a Texas Spring.