Thursday, May 10, 2007

Love Thursday - Love is Patient

For those of you who know me, I am not a patient person. I'm all about instant gratification and I do NOT like to wait. It's ninety or nothing in my book. Taking time to smell the roses is a hard thing for me to do. I shake my presents under the Christmas tree, indeed, I am so bad about waiting my husband waits until I am in bed on Christmas eve to even wrap my gifts and put them under the tree. I cannot wait for everyone to open their gifts. I don't DO wait.

Today however, was different. Along my front walk, are bushes that produce the most wonderfully perfumes flowers. Their sweet scent of spring fills the air. Their lacey white flowers add a sense of beauty to the walk. An added bonus is the flowers attract butterflies. The butterflies fly from the scented flowers as soon as the front door opens. I have been trying to catch a butterfly or two with my camera lens for about a week. Today, as I went out to see where my middle son was, I was rewarded. I ran back in and grabbed my camera and started shooting.

There were several butterflies fluttering around the flowers.

I got several like this

or like this

I really wanted one of a butterly with it's wings spread, ready to take flight. I got close.

Just as I was about ready to go in, I got what I wanted. So today's Love Thursday Post is: Love Is Patient.

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