Monday, January 15, 2007

The Big Chill Part Three - the math held true

The weather guy was right. We did freezing rain and ice. About an inch of ice covered my driveway and street this morning. My rose bush has icicles. To be sure, this is a not so common sight here. The past few years have been relatively mild compared to what we had this weekend.

I found myself laughing at the various TV news casts. How many ways do they need to say freezing cold weather? One station called it Ice Alert, I guess in an effort to downplay the severity of what we were getting. Another station called it Icy Blast Update. Still another called it Winter Chill Alert. The coverage, of course, was continuous. Do we really need to see each drop of rain as it falls?

This storm, though worse than our December ice storm, was downplayed. It's only January, words like the "biggest storm of the year" and coldest tempratures of the season" cannot be used so early in 2007. The big names like Arctic Blast and Freezing Winter Blast will be held back for us in November or December.

I have also noticed that we don't get up to minute glimpses of our summer heat. TV news crews won't be stationed by the areas hotest bank thermometers, showing the roses wilt and grass turn brown. There will be no Firey Heat Blast or Hellish Heat wave. The weather will be just "hot dry and sunny". In other words, typical summer.


~LL~ said...

LMBO! I SOOOO know what you mean. I get a bit tired of the coverage, don't you?

Mary W. said...
