As I sat down today to write in my blog - a birthday resolution to myself - to write more. I noticed the little weather ticker at the top of my navigation bar flashing.
The temprature, at 12:33 PM is 65° however the flashing icon indicates a watch or warning in my "local area" The watch is for a winter storm watch.
The weather guy says "if the math holds true" we're in for a harsh weekend. Freezing rain and ice. The "coldest tempratures of 2007" (dude, it's only the 12th of January - there's not a lot of history to this year yet).
The storm is supposed to plummit our tempratures by noon tomorrow. so today I will go to Kroger like all the other good moms and buy cold weather supplies. when I get home, I'll watch every weather report there is, waiting for the first sign of frozen rain.
My list includes
1 wine
2. chili meat
3 rotel tomatoes
4 hot choclate mix - the good kind you make with milk with dark choclate morsels in it not he crappy swiss mix kind
5 wine
6 firewood
7. water - we still have water from two winter storms ago but I can gurantee there will not be a single bottle of water left in North Texas by 9 AM tomorrow.
8. canned tuna
9. candles
10. wine
11. propane
12. steaks - in our sick demented family we grill steaks -outside when it gets cold. scoffing at God for making it cold.
13. chocolate
14. wine
Tomorrow, there will be apot of chili simmering on my stove.
It's a rule.
In Texas cold weather means you make chili.
It's in the state constitution between, saying y'all no matter what when you leave Texas and not picking the bluebonnets.
If you fail to make chili when it gets cold, They pack you up, strip you of your Texasness and make you live in New Mexico- west of the Rio Grande or worse yet, OKlahoma where the wind comes blowing down the plain. The remainder of your family will forever bear the shame that you failed to make chili in a cold snap.
If you put beans in your chili, you get a warning. They make you stand in line in New Mexico's DMV office and you contemplate the dire nature of your sin against chili and humanity. After that you have to eat hot sauce from New York City.
Repeat offenders are almost unheard of.
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