Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Just a Hodge Podge

We are three weeks in to the school year and already I am regreting my decision to send Charles and Tommy back.

This week for the first time, Tommy went to his dyslexia pullout. We have our first 504 meeting Friday and it is NOT going to be polite. I am going to tear into them like a pitbull with rabies. He still can't write. I mean he cannot form letters, the look like some odd form of the Cyrilic alphabet and hieroglyphics. He's supposed to wrote and essay by the end of the school year? Um yeah that's going to be fun to see.

Charles finally got his schedule changed - but I am not happy at the lack of direction these people give the AP students. I don't understand how they think that just because a child is smart and academically gifted, organization and the ability to do things beyond there years is present. Charles had to wrote and essay using MLA documentation but wasn't told exactly what it was he was using. I have spent the better part of two days helping learn in text citation and how to put a quote in your writing to support your idea. A little primer from the school would have been helpful. It's been 15 years almost for me so thank goodness for google.

Joey still loves kindergarten. That is good but I am working with him at home.

In other worlds I am in love. I LOVE LoVE LOVE Sarah Pallin. John McCain did good!!!!! A republican woman we can be proud of. I think she opened some people's eyes - showing that the republican party isn't just bluehaired old bats - but we are young and fresh and we can do more than spin words into a wonderful speech. I can't wait to see what happens.


Rose said...

Yay for Sarah! I think she's great, too. :-)

I hope things start to go better for you on the school front. I'm finding that there is really no one solution that works perfectly. We are going through some of that this year as well.

Mary W. said...

I think the school thing is overall a big mismatch