Monday, February 19, 2007

Mr. Golden Sun, Please Shine Down on Me!

Finally! The sun shines and warm weather is in the air. I know we are not done with winter yet. It will get cold a few more times - like Easter Sunday - where it wiull be rainy and freezing! Or on March 3, when I have 20 kids in my house wanting to fly kite's for Tommy's birthday party!

But, today, it is warm and sunny.

Last week, despite the cold, we;ve had some good things happen.

Charles and his sugar fed yeasts won the science fair. He's going on the the regional science fair in Denton. The school called us last Tuesday telling us he placed. We didn't know what place, be it first, second, or third, but they asked us to have him there for the viewings and the PTA meeting (I HATE PTA) where he'd get his medal.

we didn't tell him he placed. So, when we got to the school gym (It still smells like stinky feet and lunch remains - bleech) he looked through all of his class's projects and couldn't find his. He was shocked to see his project up on the winners table. It was like our own Master Card Commercial.

science fair project bord suppliues $15

Science fair experiment supplies - $30

winning the science fair - priceless!

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