Friday, February 02, 2007

what the heck?

side yard
Originally uploaded by blondie478.
We get this much snow and there is SCHOOL today. SCHOOL. when two weeks ago, there was just a dusting - big bald patches without snow and there was no school. Charles thought we should alert the Geneva convention. Crimes against eleven year old humanity had been greviously commited because he had to go to school when there was this much SNOW on the ground.

In other news, that stupid ground hog did NOT see his shadow. So that means spring is on the way. Somebody alert channel 8. They are going on and on and on about this weather. (Yeah I know I am too but whiniong is so NOT trhe same thing as continuous droning about how bad the road conditions really are NOT)

Some one also forgot to let God know that it IS February. we are not supposed to get this cold in February. the dadline for icky weather is January 31 in this area - TWO days ago.

what next - SNOW in March? I'll die. I am not giving up ANYTHING this Lenten season. I've done my pennance in January with the cold weather. I've suffered enough. I'll only give up choclate and fat and sugar if the tempratures get above 70 really soon.

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